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Shameless! Festival of Activism Against Sexual Violence

The events I have enjoyed most in connection with the SHaME project were our two Shameless! Festivals of Activism Against Sexual Violence, held in London and Rio de Janeiro. It was a joint venture between SHaME and WoW. At SHaME, the intellectual and creative driving force was Dr Rhea Sookdeosingh.

These videos explore a vast range of topics, including 'Big Ideas', consent, healing and survival, everyday sexism, how to create a rape-free world, male survivors of sexual violence, 'On the Front Line', rape as a weapon of war, legal/court issues, triggering, and poetry.

You can watch these discussions on this playlist:

The first Shameless! Festival of Activism Against Sexual Violence took place on 27th November 2021, created in collaboration by Birkbeck’s SHaME project and WOW - Women of the World.


The festival featured high profile speakers, survivors, researchers and medical professionals, alongside performances by incredible artists, poets and musicians, interactive workshops, ‘how to’ clinics, wellness spaces and more. Inspired by and building on the work of SHaME, WOW and activists and academics across the world, the festival aimed to revolutionise conversations around sexual violence; burst open inherited ideas of shame; and give everyone the chance to say to all societies, enough is enough, sexual violence must end.


Shameless! Festival was produced by SHaME (Sexual Harms and Medical Encounters) and WOW - Women of the World, and is supported by The Wellcome Trust and Birkbeck, University of London. The inaugural festival took place at Battersea Arts Centre.


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